Walk in the pastures of vallon St Martin

• Self-guided tour, 1 day
• Easy tour, children above 7 years old
• Altitude : 1760 to 2030 m
• Departure and arrival in Le Roux
Elevation gain : 270 m
Elevation loss: 270 m
Distance : 5,5 km
Walking time : 3 hrs
The discovery of the St Martin valley, located in the immediate vicinity of Le Roux, allows you to familiarise yourself with the medium mountains by a varied route through the Mélézin (larch forests) and the mountain pastures with their softened relief. You will be seduced by the change of scenery while hiking with ease and safety.

- Itinerary -
Departing from Le Roux, you will reach the St Martin valley, passing through the hamlet of Montette (1940 m) where you can admire the pretty chapel recently renovated by the association for safeguarding the heritage "Queyras Passion". You are in the pastures where you may have the opportunity to meet the shepherd and his flock of sheep that graze the area from June to October.
Take the path towards the Col de la Mayt then leave it to follow on the right the one that descends towards the torrent in the bottom of the valley.
Cross the torrent and in the wood of Mamezel at an altitude of 2000 m, join the path on your left which will lead you to the very pretty alpine hamlet of Pré Roubaud (1950 m) which dominates the Roux d'Abriès and the valley of torrent Bouchet.

- Price -
It includes the rental of a donkey equipped with a packsaddle, a halter, a lunge and two saddlebags.
1 day with 1 donkey : 65 €
For more information :
06 82 48 09 99 or anerousin@orange.fr
To book this stay, please download and complete our rental contract and attach a deposit of 30% of the amount.

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